The role of each employee can vary from day to day, but each and every one is important. Our field technicians fill a variety of roles for BJAAM. These employees make up the backbone of the work completed by BJAAM. Without them, we would not be able to continue to fulfill our clients’ needs.
BJAAM Environmental, Inc. employs two kinds of field technicians, environmental technicians and remediation technicians. Environmental field technicians can perform a variety of tasks ranging from free product removal, ground water sampling, and slug tests. In contrast, remediation field technicians focus more heavily on the remediation projects. They assist in injections, trailer set-up and perform many of the same sampling techniques as environmental technicians. Remediation tasks are performed under BJAAM’s Director of Remediation Services, Justin Wilde. Likewise, the work of our environmental field technicians is overseen by Tom Wynne, Director of Field Services and Safety.
Passion for their job and working for BJAAM runs deep in each of our field technicians. The following video follows three employees, Tom, Randall, and Scott, through their typical work day.

Tom Wynne has been with BJAAM since 2000 and was promoted to his current position as Director of Field Services and Safety in 2016. “My favorite part of my job here is having a difficult technical job and completing it with ultimate success. I love solving the problems. I love dealing with the geology of sites. I love managing the crew, the equipment, the supplies, and everything.”
Randall Dykes is an Environmental Field Technician with BJAAM and has been with the company for five years. He aspired to work for BJAAM because “we are the company that will ensure the surrounding areas are clean. Working in the environmental field is absolutely necessary to make sure that we all grow up safe and strong and healthy.”

Scott Dydek is the remediation field supervisor for BJAAM and has been with the company for two years. “Being part of the team, I would definitely recommend. My experience has been it’s a great company; it’s a good culture. If you like the environment and being outside, it’s a great job.”