Justin Wilde
Director of Remediation Services
- (330) 854-5300 ext. 121
- jwilde@bjaam.com
BJAAM has been a pioneer in the environmental remediation industry for several decades and is known nationally as a leader in innovative remediation technologies. We excel by serving the best interest of our clients. Our industry renowned technical professionals utilize their expertise in remediation system design to create sensible, cost effective Remedial Action Plans for specific site contamination problems. Most importantly, we understand the importance of selecting the most appropriate and cost-effective remediation techniques and technologies, matching the needs of our clients — including minimizing the disruption of their business — with the regulatory requirements of the project.
Remediation Design and Technologies
BJAAM employs a wide variety of state-of-the-art remediation technologies, coupled with risk assessment and groundwater modeling, to complete closure at sites through the US EPA, Ohio Voluntary Action Program (VAP), Bureau of Underground Storage Tank Regulations (BUSTR), Ohio EPA Division of Emergency and Remedial Response (DERR), Ohio EPA Division of Drinking and Ground Waters, and the West Virginia DEP. BJAAM has investigated and designed remediation systems for abandoned dumps, solid waste landfills, National Priorities List sites, RCRA facilities, aboveground and underground storage tank sites, and industrial facilities.
Remediation design and technologies BJAAM applies include the following:
- Dual-Phase extraction (DPE)
- Engineering and administrative controls
- Soil vapor extraction (SVE)
- Bio enzyme application
- Source area removal
- Bioventing
- Air sparge
- Nutrient augmentation
- Ground water pump and treat
- In-situ chemical oxidation
Feasibility Studies and Remedial Action Plans
BJAAM completes feasibility and pilot studies, combining turnkey field support and professional contracting services, to evaluate remediation strategies and develop the most feasible and cost effective approach to bring a site to No Further Action (NFA) status from the associated regulatory agency.
Our professional scientists and engineers can use computer modeling to verify the results of pilot studies and ensure that the final remedial design represents the best balance of feasibility, time frame, and cost. Once a strategy has been selected, our professionals will work with regulating agencies to gain approval of the remedial action plan, coordinate system construction and installation, and optimize system operation to complete the cleanup on time and under budget.
Remediation Systems
BJAAM owns and operates a wide variety of remediation systems that are designed for scheduled remediation visits or emergency response. BJAAM designs and installs remediation systems to cleanup impacted soil, ground water, or surface water for longer-term remediation projects. Typical uses for our remediation systems include cleanup of releases at:

- Petroleum refining and distribution facilities
- Solvent releases at factories and commercial dry-cleaning facilities
- Vapor intrusion sites
- Roadside spills
- Home heating oil spills
- Pilot tests
- Aquifer characterizations
Bioenzyme Application
BJAAM Environmental has enjoyed exceptional success with its bioremediation programs. Selected contaminated sites are treated by stimulating activity of naturally occurring microorganisms to metabolize contaminants.
Benefits at a site that is receptive to bioremediation are two-fold. First, bioremediation is almost always more cost-effective than most other technologies. Second, with a successful bioremediation treatment, a property owner/operator is no longer faced with long-term liability concerns linked to materials storage at a landfill or wastewater disposal.