Would you rather have a consultant that produces high quality results or a consultant with high cost-savings? When you contract BJAAM Environmental, Inc. for your environmental needs, you will receive both!
Project Management
Efficient project management leads to cost savings for clients that they can invest in their business. BJAAM understands that each situation is different and can develop a specialized approach for each project, creating an efficient solution to the issue. While performing BUSTR closures, correct management, such as understanding the site-conceptual exposure model (SCEM) pathways in the field, can save our clients money while making sure they are in full compliance. Projects, such as accidental spills, realty divestments/acquisitions, or property transfers, require proper and aggressive management. Under BJAAM oversight, these projects are managed and easily transitioned into agency oversight. When time is of the essence for transfer, BJAAM developed the agency-approved TRIAD approach to get the job done on time. A leader in the industry, BJAAM creates diversified approach toward active and in-situ remediation when risk assessment alone cannot obtain No Further Action (NFA) status. By creating a specialized approach for each project, jobs have shortened time frames, and clients save money by avoiding unneeded activities that may have been performed without the specialized approach.

Staff and Equipment
Access to highly trained and certified staff as well as the proper equipment to get each project done also saves our clients’ money. BJAAM’s project managers have over 270 combined years of experience in the environmental field. Our project managers are highly skilled with exceptional backgrounds, allowing us to complete a broad range of projects in-house. All our project managers have risk assessment backgrounds and prior experience that they use to refine conceptual models in real-time, for example using real-time thinking during a BUSTR closure. Project managers at BJAAM are very experienced and versed in fate and transport modeling for evaluating exposure routes with sensitive receptors. The ability of our project managers to mobilize our own equipment immediately and effectively is crucial to completing jobs quickly and safely. Because we have experts on staff and own our equipment, we know accurate data is being produced that our clients can rely on. Staying in compliance and getting projects completed on time with quality results ultimately gives our clients a peace of mind that allows them to focus on their business operations.

Agency Relationships and Partnerships
Proper coordination between state and federal regulating agencies is extremely important to save our clients from fines and fees due to non-compliance. BJAAM has working relationships with regulating agencies, such as BUSTR and PUSTRCB, that is conducive to efficiency. By collaborating with BUSTR coordinators, we are able to make sure your site stays in compliance. While cooperating with PUSTRCB, we help our clients achieve known cost-savings through the pre-approval process before work even begins.
BJAAM also has relationships and partnerships with some of the most reputable environmental contractors and disposal facilities in the Midwest. Because we work with our partners frequently, we are confident in the quality of the task being performed. Prior knowledge of the different disposal facilities and what each is licensed to accept ensures a quick and easy processing of contaminants and waste. Having these connections in place at the start of the project causes the process to go smoothly and efficiently.

Accounting and Insurance
Anyone who has dealt with insurance knows how complicated it can be. That’s why BJAAM has an in-house accounting department to assist our clients. Our experts have produced an excellent record and have PUSTRCB denials that are substantially lower than the rest of the industry. Denials are minimized through our accountants interfacing with third-party and state insurance agencies (Ohio PUSTRCB, PAUSTIF). When their insurance covers more of the project cost, our clients experience significant cost savings.
Contact us to see how we can assist you today
by calling (330) 854-5300 or emailing info@bjaam.com!