No Further Action Status (NFA)/Covenant Not to Sue (CNS)

Zachary Pierce

Vice President, Director of Brownfield Services

Ohio EPA VAP Certified Professional #391

(330) 854-5300 ext. 222

BJAAM has been involved with Ohio’s Voluntary Action Program since its inception in 1994.

Let us guide your program to NFA/CNS!

BJAAM Environmental, Inc. has 26+ years of VAP services experience.

Ohio recognized the need to remove the environmental and legal barriers that stalled redevelopment and reuse of contaminated properties. The Voluntary Action Plan minimizes governmental red tape and maximizes resources and expertise in the private sector. If someone wants to clean up a piece of property, it may be done following specific standards developed by Ohio EPA.

United State Environmental Protection Agency logo, stylized flower surrounded by United States Environmental Protection Agency text
Ohio Environmental Protection Agency logo, Stylized blue and green leaf as O in Ohio