Jason Grecco
Vice President, Director of UST Services
- Certified Professional Geologist
- Licensed Remediation Specialist
- (330) 854-5300 ext. 110
- jgrecco@bjaam.com
The West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) established the Voluntary Remediation Program (VRP) in 1996 through the Voluntary Remediation and Redevelopment Act. The VRP was created to promote redevelopment of sites to preserve natural areas and undeveloped land. Remediation of these areas and returning them to productive use has many benefits to the applicants of the program and the surrounding communities. Benefits include increased property values, time and cost savings, and possible access to financial incentives for the applicant. Additional benefits can be reaped from those remediating and redeveloping a brownfield, such as savings from using existing infrastructure and access to ideal property locations.
The VRP is administered by the Office of Environmental Remediation (OER) and requires that a Licensed Remediation Specialist (LRS) oversees all remediation activities and prepares any reports that are required for OER’s approval. There are a series of structured steps in the program that BJAAM can help with, from beginning to end. BJAAM can provide the expertise and equipment necessary to complete every step of the program, all while saving our clients time and money.
No further action (NFA) status
The goal of participants in the West Virginia VRP is to achieve No Further Action (NFA) status. NFA status can be achieved once the Land Use Covenant (LUC) is recorded, monitoring wells not being used are properly abandoned, and the proper documentation is submitted to the WVDEP Groundwater Section and the OER Project Manager. BJAAM’s certified well drillers and Licensed Remediation Specialists have the experience to efficiently bring your site to NFA status.