BJAAM completes Phase I and Phase II Environmental Site Assessments (ESAs) for a myriad of properties, including heavy industrial, light industrial, commercial, agricultural, and residential. BJAAM evaluates the assessment of a property in a phased process from the client perspective: identify potential risk, evaluate the potential risk, and mitigate the potential risk. Each phase of the assessment is designed to meet the specific need of each client, whether property transfer, development, or corrective action, without jeopardizing the accuracy or thoroughness of the assessment.

A Phase I Environmental Site Assessment is conducted to evaluate the potential presence of environmental liabilities at a property. In the past, Phase I ESAs were able to be completed by environmental firms and individuals with varying degrees of qualification. However, with the advent of the U.S. EPA All Appropriate Inquiry (AAI) regulations, the scope and nature of the Phase I ESA has become increasingly more significant and obtaining a qualified environmental professional to conduct such inquiry is a necessity in today’s Phase I ESA market. BJAAM professionals have the knowledge and experience to complete the necessary AAI due diligence while meeting the specific project goal of each of our clients.