Jason Grecco

Vice President, Director of UST Services
- Certified Professional Geologist
- Licensed Remediation Specialist
- (330) 854-5300 ext. 110
- jgrecco@bjaam.com
Zachary Pierce

Vice President, Director of Brownfield Services
- Ohio EPA VAP Certified Professional #391
- (330) 854-5300 ext. 222
- zpierce@bjaam.com
BJAAM ensures that the proper steps are taken to make sure sampling is as accurate as possible. Consistency is important in the field and when handling samples, both by BJAAM and anyone else involved, such as analytical laboratories. Our Quality Assurance policy involves the proper assessment of a site for sampling, collection of the sample in the correct containers with the appropriate preservatives, maintenance and tracking of the sample, chain of custody procedures, disposition of the sample, and reporting the results. By taking such care when handling samples, BJAAM can guarantee the quality of the data collected.
Air Quality Services
- Major source operating permits (Title V of the Clean Air Act)
- Major source installation permits (PSD-Prevention of Significant Deterioration and NSR-New Source Review)
- Minor source installation and operating permits
- Requests for determination
- Annual air inventory reports
- NESHAP (National Emissions Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutions) threshold determinations and reporting
- Greenhouse gas tracking and annual reporting (GHGRP-Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program)
- Indoor air sampling
Many air quality policies originate with the Clean Air Act that was signed in 1970. The regulations are often enforced locally by state and local environmental agencies. Our air quality services team has over thirty years of experience working on complex projects with state and local regulators in Pennsylvania, West Virginia, and Ohio. We have served a variety of industries including steel making, chemical processing, warehousing, coal and limestone mining, fabrication, surface coating, and power generation.
Industrial Waste Management
- Waste characterization profiles
- Preparation and implementation of a comprehensive Waste Management Plan
- Hazardous Waste Biennial Reporting
- Chemical Analysis of Waste Preparation (Form 26R-Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection)
- RCRA (Resource Conservation and Recovery Act) Contingency Plan preparation
- Waste Management training (RCRA, universal waste and residual waste)
- Waste Management auditing
Knowing how to handle and dispose of hazardous and non-hazardous waste is extremely important when owning or managing a business. BJAAM has over 30 years of experience in assisting clients with their waste management needs. We have guided clients from a variety of backgrounds, such as dry cleaners, hydraulic lift companies, landfills, and many others.
Wastewater/Storm Water Management
- Individual NPDES (National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System) wastewater and stormwater permitting
- General NPDES stormwater permitting
- NPDES monitoring and DMR preparation
- Stormwater monitoring
- Process wastewater characterization studies
- Process wastewater feasibility studies
- Wastewater treatment facility operation and maintenance evaluation/optimization
- Stormwater management/best practice management enhancement studies
- Pretreatment discharge permitting
- Sewer vapor investigations
- SW3P/SWPPP (Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan) preparation
NPDES regulation is a result of the Clean Water Act that was signed into law in 1972. It is important not only to understand the laws, but to also understand the applications of the regulations to each individual case. Our wastewater and stormwater management professionals have prepared many permit applications, wastewater/stormwater characterizations, optimization studies, and collected hundreds of NPDES monitoring samples. BJAAM has provided services for various trades including industrial, food preparation, warehousing, mining, and power.
- Borehole soil sample collection and field screening
- Open excavation soil sample collection and field screening
- Geotechnical soil analysis
- Environmental Drilling
- Air Rotary Drilling
- Direct Push Drilling
Our environmental professionals collect hundreds of soil samples a month. Some of which are collected using our own Geoprobe® 6620DT. Because we own our equipment, BJAAM can ensure quality results while saving our clients money. BJAAM’s professionals provide samples and analysis for a wide range of industries including large oil companies, banks, property owners, and many others.
Ground Water
- Ground water monitoring well installation
- Initial ground water sampling
- Ground water monitoring well development, sampling, and survey
- Low-flow ground water sampling
- Excavation ground water sampling
- GPP (Groundwater Protection Plan) Preparation
Groundwater monitoring and/or sampling can be required for a variety of reasons in many different industries. When it comes to sampling groundwater, there are different methods that may be used, depending on the situation. We have over 30 years of experience performing ground water monitoring and sampling and know what method to apply to each unique situation. Our experts have provided valuable data and analysis for a variety of industries, including real estate developments, “mom and pop” gas stations, and many others.
Soil Vapor
- Soil gas air sampling
- Sub-slab soil gas air sampling
- Remediation system influent air sampling
Soil vapor is often found in association with volatile organic compounds that have been spilled or leaked into the environment. As the compounds move through the ground, some will go into a vapor state, while the rest stays in the liquid state. Located above the water table, the vadose zone will contain vapors from the spilled or leaked compound. Each year as the water table rises and falls, so will the layer of product floating on the water table. During this annual cycle, the compound will sorb into the soil, which also contributes to the presence of soil vapors. Soil gases can have an impact not just below the surface, but aboveground as well. Vapor intrusions, such as in a residential basement, cause hazardous conditions and can even accumulate to potential explosion levels. BJAAM’s environmental professionals have over 30 years of experience sampling soil gas/vapor. We have performed sampling and analysis for an assortment of clients, including mid-market oil companies, attorneys, and many others.