Ohio Voluntary Action Program (VAP) and Urban Setting Designation

A property specific Urban Setting Designation (USD) was requested for the Downtowner Plaza as concentrations of tetrachloroethene (PERC), a chemical commonly used dry cleaning operations, in groundwater were identified in excess of UPUS beyond the boundaries of the property.
The Downtowner Plaza is located on South 2nd Street in Coshocton, Ohio. It comprises 20.797 acres and is in close proximity to the Muskingum River, which is located to the west. The Downtowner Plaza was initially developed in 1968 and Sunshine Laundry & Dry Cleaners has been a tenant through the present day, although the dry cleaning activities ceased in approximately 2003. The USD was approved and NFA issued in August 2009, thus eliminating the potable use groundwater pathway for the Downtowner Plaza and properties within a ½-mile radius of the Downtowner Plaza. The NFA was submitted to Ohio EPA for consideration of a Covenant Not to Sue (CNS) through the Ohio VAP.
A CNS was issued by the Director of the Ohio EPA on November 17, 2010. Completing the USD in lieu of active remediation saved the client hundreds of thousands of dollars.