We are proud to announce a No Further Action (NFA) status for property located on East State Street in Fremont, Ohio! BJAAM has been privileged to assist with the Voluntary Action Program Phase I Environmental Site Assessment, Abandoned Gas Station grant application, and Bureau of Underground Storage Tank Regulations corrective action.
Since 1969, the Former Dakouks Beverage and Deli, Inc. was used as a gasoline and service station until its closure in May 2015. Prior to remediation activities taking place, an abandoned gas station building, canopy, three (3) fuel dispensers, and two (2) underground storage tanks (USTs) resided on the property.
On June 11, 2018, the Sandusky County Land Reutilization Corporation was awarded an AGS Assessment Grant of $100,000. Demolition activities began in October 2018, and the two (2) USTs and the associated piping were removed from the site. Soil samples collected during UST removal were below BUSTR action levels, and the site was granted an NFA from BUSTR on January 2, 2019. Redevelopment of this property would help create a future commercial business opportunity for the City of Fremont.