Zachary Pierce
Vice President, Director of Brownfield Services
Ohio EPA VAP Certified Professional #391
(330) 854-5300 ext. 222
The United States Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) defines a brownfield as “a property, the expansion, redevelopment, or reuse of which may be complicated by the presence or potential presence of a hazardous substance, pollutant, or contaminant.” Often, these properties are left abandoned due to these complications. According to the U.S. EPA, it is estimated that are more than 450,000 brownfields in the United States. Many of these properties are in prime locations but are left undeveloped due to environmental concerns. The investment that goes into cleaning up brownfields is rewarded with increased local tax bases, facilitated job growth, and decreased development pressure on open land. BJAAM Environmental, Inc. is experienced with the many different routes to the redevelopment and reuse of brownfields.
Brownfield Grant Funding
BJAAM’s environmental professionals possess the expertise to jump start a community’s brownfields redevelopment initiative using available state and federal grants. Our grant writing success has brought clientele millions of dollars in grant funding for environmental assessments, remediation, and redevelopment planning.
Ohio Voluntary Action Program (VAP)
No Further Action and Covenant Not to Sue
BJAAM Environmental, Inc. has been involved with Ohio’s Voluntary Action Program since its inception in 1994. BJAAM VAP Certified Professionals have provided the leadership and oversight to over Twenty (20) project that have been issued No Further Action Letters.
Brownfield Remediation and Redevelopment
BJAAM Environmental, Inc. has guided the remediation and redevelopment of thousands of acres of environmental liabilities and transformed the landscape.
West Virginia VRP NFA
BJAAM’s certified well drillers and Licensed Remediation Specialists have the experience to efficiently bring your site to No Further Action (NFA) status.