BJAAM worked with the City of Alliance and Greater Alliance Development Corporation (GADC) to obtain close to $1-million dollars in grant funding for assessment and remediation of the site. The former industrial 6.5-acre property is located within a mixed-use area of Alliance, Ohio that consists of industrial, commercial, and residential properties. The southern portion of this property was occupied by Stewart Brothers Paint Company from 1926 through 2006, which manufactured finished paint using resins, pigments, additives and solvents. The northern portion of the property was occupied by Volcanic Heater, Inc. and Alliance Brass and Bronze Company from approximately 1916 through 2007. Volcanic Heater, Inc. built large thermal heaters for use in refinery tanks and barges; and the Alliance Brass and Bronze Company manufactured brass, bronze, aluminum, acid metal, and high tensile and high conductivity alloys. Due to the extent of historic operations and years of vacancy, the property became an eyesore and environmental hazard for the City of Alliance. The building was in disrepair and the hundreds of abandoned drums and paint products created a health and environmental hazard for the community.
BJAAM Environmental, Inc. (BJAAM) professionals completed a VAP Phase I ESA, VAP Phase II ESA, Remedial Action Plan, Risk Mitigation Plan to protect construction/excavation workers in direct contact with lead contaminated soils, and an Environmental Covenant that lead to a VAP NFA and Ohio EPA CNS. The Remedial Action Plan was prepared by BJAAM and submitted to the Ohio Development Services Agency as part of the City’s application for funding in March 2014. The City of Alliance was awarded $603,000 by the Clean Ohio Assistance Fund (COAF) for regulated waste removal, asbestos abatement, demolition, and soil and groundwater remediation.
Soil remediation activities were conducted for lead, arsenic, and VOC impacted soils. Approximately 1,366 tons of contaminated soil was removed and disposed from the property. These soil excavation areas were backfilled with clean fill material and rough graded. Groundwater remediation was also performed concurrent with soil excavating activities in February 2016 based on the elevations of petroleum constituents in two (2) former UST cavity areas. Oxygen Release Compounds (ORC) Advanced Pellets were placed in the former UST cavity areas and provided a controlled oxygen release source for the enhanced aerobic bioremediation of petroleum hydrocarbons and other aerobically degradable compounds over a period of up to 12-months. PersulfOx was also added to the two (2) excavations to destroy organic contaminants found in groundwater and to enhance the oxidative destruction of hydrocarbons.
The VAP NFA was issued in September 2018 by BJAAM, and a CNS was issued by the Director of the Ohio EPA on January 3, 2020. A local company has plans to acquire the property to construct a new manufacturing facility that will create up to twenty-three (23) new full-time jobs. The facility would be used to start a new division that will collaborate with existing locations.